Please contact our admission team to find out which year groups are still open for admissions.
Please check the required documents.
Parents should abide by this rule as the documents are an essential part of the admissions procedure. Applications and assessments are not passed on to the Head of Stage unless all documents are submitted. And therefore, no offer of a place can be made until this is done.
Aspire is always pleased to receive enquiries from parents about the school and students’ recruitment without commitment on their part. We encourage them to visit the school campus with their children in order to find out as much as possible about Aspire International School.
Open days with presentations about the school, academics, facilities, activities, support units, etc.. are given by the school team, headmasters, teachers, and the head of school meets and greets all prospective parents and pupils. A campus tour is offered.
Families are advised through the walk-in or contacting the school (calls, Instagram or Facebook messaging to schedule an appointment and get provided with detailed information about the admission process.
Families are advised to schedule a prior appointment in order to tour the school on a mutually convenient date and time.
Once the families are settled for Aspire, being the right school for their children, they are requested to submit the required documents and follow the admission process starting by filling the application and providing needed documentation to enable the school to consider the children for admission.
It is important for parents and prospective applicants to understand the selection policies and constraints.
First step of the admissions process is to submit the online application through the following link:
The admission assessments are based on standardized tests aligned with the Cambridge International Framework.
Kindly be informed that the purpose of our standardized based assessments for admissions is not to accept or deny your child a place at our educational institute. Our purpose is to identify the abilities of our students and define their points of strengths and/or weaknesses. Through the prepared tests and interview with your son/daughter, we would be able to understand how best we can help your child develop, learn and achieve with us.
Following the assessment, a member of the Admissions team will arrange meeting with a member of the School Leadership team to discuss any questions and outline what is being offered by Aspire school.
Re-assessments are by invitation only and decisions on re-assessment are based on the levels attained at the initial assessment by the student. If your child is not offered a re-assessment or does not attain the set levels, then you may apply the next academic year. In both cases, assessment fees are non-refundable.
As a part of our admission process at Aspire, a parents’ meeting is scheduled after the assessment process.
1. A member of the admission Team will arrange with the parents, after scores are obtained to meet with a member of the School Leadership Team to discuss any questions and outline what is being offered by Aspire school.
2. The purpose of the meeting with the parents is to support the process of settling into the school environment.
3. Share and discuss school routines, policies and regulations.
4. Allow parents to share information about their child.
5. To support accountability process to and from parents and explain the partnership between the school and home.
6. During the meeting, the SLT representative ensures that professional and confidentiality aspects are always maintained.
7. Parents are provided with details regarding the adopted curriculum, daily routines for pupils, various ways to share in-school activities and pupil’s progress.
8. The school tech- based learning, tools and apps.
9. Importance of understanding the school mission, vision and values as well as adopted policies.
10. Parents’ enquiries and teaching and learning perspectives are shared and discussed.
After scores are obtained and parents are met, parents and/or guardians are informed of the admissions terms and conditions.
It is worth mentioning that the recruitment of a prospective pupil at Aspire including the placement of a prospective pupil into a specific year group is subject to the school admissions and acceptance policies and procedures, including those related to discipline and curriculum as developed by the school.
Prospective pupils and their parents are required to provide valid documents for admissions purposes as requested by the School. Parents and/or legal guardians are to comply with the Egyptian laws and requirement of the Egyptian Ministry of Education.
Parents and/or legal guardians are responsible to maintain valid documents and clearly advise pupil’s nationality, otherwise student may lose eligibility to attend school and fees, including placement or assessment fees, deposit, registration or tuition fees may be forfeited.
In case there is a breach of the school enrollment policies aligned with the Egyptian laws and the MOE regulations, the school is entitled to exclude or remove the pupil, withdraw or suspend enrollment. That includes mis-presentation or inadequate disclosure about the prospective students including nationality of the pupil and parents. Also, in case the admission team are unable to fully interview the prospective pupil before offering him or her a place at Aspire or in case the school is unable to offer or meet the needs of the prospective pupil. In all the above the school may withdraw or suspend the enrollment offer.
To ensure securing a place at Aspire, parents or legal guardians shall pay the registration fees within a week from the confirmation received. Failure to pay on time will result in invalidity of acceptance and parents will have to reapply to admissions. In this case, assessment fees are non-refundable and are to be repaid with reapplication.
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Let your child attend Aspire International School to help them develop comprehensively in all aspects.